
Chronic Pain From Facet Injury, Imaging, AND Upper Cervical

Hello Professionally Integrated! Here is a great paper I break down for you to watch AND to take parts to insert in your notes and to educate your patients. These…

Instability and Car Crashes

Here is a study I helped author where we evaluated 261 patients flexion extension Xrays. This study shows that car crashes can cause instability, and different crash vectors and sex…

Upper Cervical Instability and Injury

Hello Professionally Integrated Members! Here is a paper where the authors look at C1 INJURY AND INSTABILITY. This is an injury that can be common in car crashes and is…

Loss of Spinal Curve And Surgery!

Hello professionally integrated, Here is a paper where the authors analyzed sagittal alignment of the spine and measured on x-ray to determine how to fuse the spine in the appropriate…

Jaw and Orofacial Pain After a MVC

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a great paper where researchers evaluated oral facial and jaw pain after a car crash and made important findings. Some of these findings are how…

Disc Degeneration and Abnormal Structure and Stability

Hello professionally integrated, Here is really cool paper and video break down discussing how abnormal mechanics as well as instability will lead to destruction of the DISCS and JOINTS.. I…
