Diagnosis Type

Disc Degeneration, Disc bulge, Modic Changes ARE More Common In Pain!

Hello Professionally Integrated, “Disc degeneration is normal in asymptomatic patients so this patient with DDD must be faking”. How many times has a doctor or insurance company made this claim?…

Spinal Alignments, Outcomes, Fusions, and Classifications

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a great review of spinal surgery and abnormal alignment of the spine. As chiropractors who look for,  and care for alignment (subluxations) of the spine of…

Low Impact crash, Disc and Tissue Irritation..

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper where the authors looked at “Low impact” and lumbar disc injuries. They show that even at these so called “low impact” speeds the…

Do Females Get Hurt More Than Males In Car Crashes?

Hello PROFESSIONALLY INTEGRATED, Here is a study where the authors looked at millions, yes millions of  car crashes. The authors try to determine if females do get more injured than males…

Cervical Kyphosis

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper that discusses HOW a kyphosis is what CAUSES disc degeneration and pain! The paper also goes over the anatomy of the discs and…

ADI (Atlanto Dental Interspace) space. Is it age dependent?

Hello Professionally Integrated, Did you measure the ADI? Is it normal or no? Well, here is a cool paper that suggests different parameters for different ages. What me be “stable”…
