
TMD, Car Crash, “low impact” and Disability and Exam

Dear Professionally Integrated, Here is a study that shows car crashes, even “low impact” crashes, causes jaw dysfunction as well as damage to the upper cervical spine, and how the…

Car Crashes and Abnormal Muscle Function

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper where the authors used ultrasound to compare muscle function of MVC patients and non MVC patients and their was a significant difference. Now,…

Alar Ligament Injury and 50% Chronic pain

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper where the authors looked at a “whiplash like injury”, but they looked at the injury that was caused by the “whiplash”.  The authors…

Narrative and Demand Letter Working Together

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a narrative I was paid to produce and the demand letter a very good attorney wrote based on the narrative and science to help her…

Cervical Spine Trauma

Cervical spine trauma Cervical spine trauma is a common problem with a wide range of severity from minor ligamentous injury to frank osteo-ligamentous instability with spinal cord injury Indian J Orthop….
