rear end

Low Impact crash, Disc and Tissue Irritation..

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper where the authors looked at “Low impact” and lumbar disc injuries. They show that even at these so called “low impact” speeds the…

Neck pain after a crash, Onset, and Variables!

  Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper where the authors looked at 250,000 cases of MVC and pain. They looked at factors that increased or decreased pain and chronicity…

Facets, S shape, Rear Ended, Head Restraints, and Females. All factors for neck pain after MVC

  Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper from a neurosurgical journal that discusses many factors and how it relates to neck pain from a car crash. This is a…

“Low Impact” Car Crash and Low Back Pain?

Hello Professionally Integrated! Does a low property damage car crash cause back pain? These authors looked at almost 1000 claims to determine if patients develop “low back pain” after a…

Cervical BUCKLING at impact

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a breakdown for your notes and patient handouts as well as a video breaking down a paper that shows impacts like a crash buckle the…
