
Proprioception, Neck pain, Discs, Joints, posture and balance

Dear Professionally Integrated, here is a paper where the authors look at chronic neck pain, facets, discs, joints, posture and balance, and simple tests we can do in the office…

Facets, S shape, Rear Ended, Head Restraints, and Females. All factors for neck pain after MVC

  Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper from a neurosurgical journal that discusses many factors and how it relates to neck pain from a car crash. This is a…

WAD mechanics, Chronicity, Upper cervical, Instability, Facets and More!

Hello Professionally Integrated,   Here is a paper that goes over so much as it relates to car crashes and  cervical spine injuries. The authors looked at chronicity rates, which…

Facet Inflammation and pain on MRI

    Hello professionally integrated, Chronic back pain is one of the most common cause of disability worldwide. One of the the main pain generators of the spine is from…
