
Cervical Kyphosis

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper that discusses HOW a kyphosis is what CAUSES disc degeneration and pain! The paper also goes over the anatomy of the discs and…

Loss Of Cervical Curve And HEADACHES and Tissue Irritation!

  Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a paper that correlates loss of the cervical curve and duration to headaches. This is a great paper that we use in our office…

Disc damage–> More Disc Damage, and DEGENERATION is NOT age related, but bio-mechanical!

Hello Professionally Integrated Care! Stop telling patients that degeneration is “normal wear and tear”. Here is a great study where they looked at the discs of the spine, and what…

Cervical Kyphosis After A Crash and Worse Outcomes.

Dear professionally integrated, Here is a paper where the authors look at multiple groups of patients and their prognosis after a car crash. These authors did publish that any sign…

Prior FACET and DISC degeneration BEFORE a Crash? Are outcomes worse?

Dear Professionally Integrated, Pre-existing or predisposing degeneration of the joints and or discs. Does this relate to worse outcomes? On the site you have the legal terminology for “pre-existing and…

Mechanical Injury to the disc and Link to Arthritis!

Hello Professionally Integrated, Here is a great paper that looks at an acute injury to the disc or abnormal loading of the disc and how that leads to further arthritis. …
